Real Talk: Tea Tree Oil Helps Reduce Dandruff and Strengthen Your Hair

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You’ve probably used tea tree oil as an antiseptic, on pimples (please avoid using it straight on your zits as it can be super harsh on your skin!) and in cleaning, but we doubt that it factors into your hair routine. But, tea tree oil is great for your hair health, helping to clean it, keep it strong, reduce dandruff and regulate oil production.

According to Healthline, it can also be used as a clarifying product. Simply dilute a small amount of tea tree oil and pop a few drops on the hair shaft to prevent product buildup and dead skin. This can also help strengthen your hair and prevent it from falling out.

Research published in the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology in 2002 looked at the effectiveness of using a shampoo that contained five percent tea tree oil on 126 participants. After four weeks, participants experienced a 41 percent improvement in dandruff — despite the product containing only a small amount of the oil. The participants also noted that the shampoo improved the itchiness and greasiness of their scalps.

To reap the benefits, Healthline recommends finding a shampoo with at least five percent tea tree oil and use it daily (or as often as you wash your hair) for four weeks. Otherwise, you can also dilute the pure oil with a ratio of one to 10 tea tree oil to almond oil and rub it in your hair every day.

Alternatively, you can also mix a few drops of tea tree oil in with your regular shampoo (simply mix together in your palm and apply to your hair), or your favourite hair mask. If you’re a bit unsure of going down the DIY route, purchasing a product that already contains the oil means you have less chance of overdoing it and irritating your scalp.

Here are some tea tree oil hair products to add to your rotation.

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