Anya Taylor-Joy Is Bringing Back the Prom Updo

When you come of age in the spotlight, award shows are kind of like prom. Anya Taylor-Joy demonstrated as much with her beauty look at the 2021 Emmy Awards. The actress, whose leading role in The Queen’s Gambit earned her a nomination, wore her hair in an updo you don’t see as often these days, yet an updo that was a staple of high school dances in the early 2000s.

Beautifully executed by Gregory Russell, the hairstyle consisted of a high bun with curled strands swirling around it. Her makeup, by Georgie Eisdell, was kept pretty simple apart from a classic red lip. The entire beauty look nicely complemented Taylor-Joy’s backless Dior gown.

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Anya Taylor-Joy's Hair and Makeup at the 2021 Emmys

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