Spring Awakening: Why It’s Time to Up Your Body Care Routine

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When was the last time you gave the skin on your body the same attention as your face? If you’ve spent most of the winter huddled up under the duvet then you’re not alone. Long nights and cold days don’t offer much incentive for looking after the skin on your body, but after months of central heating, extreme temperatures and the lack of sunlight it can often lead to dry, flaky and irritable skin. “Our skin tends to become dry in the winter due to several factors,” Dr Mahsa Saleki, aesthetic doctor and founder of SAS Aesthetics tells POPSUGAR UK. “One significant reason is the drop in humidity levels that often occurs during this time of year. Cold air holds less moisture than warm air, and indoor heating systems further contribute to dryness by removing moisture from the air. As a result, the skin’s natural moisture barrier becomes compromised, leading to dryness, flakiness, and sometimes irritation,” she explains.

If you’re ready to ditch your leggings, shake off your sweater, and up your body game then this is for you, because we’ve spoken to the experts on how to achieve a facial-worthy skin care regime to improve your moisturise levels, even skin tone, and achieve the smoothest skin yet.

The Ultimate Body Skin Care Routine


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