Is “Multimoisturising” the New Skincare Trend? Here’s What an Expert Says

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You’re probably well-versed in multimasking – the process of applying different face masks on different areas of your face to better enjoy their benefits. It’s common for those with oily or combination skin types who could use hydrating or calming properties on areas like their cheeks and detoxifying or exfoliating properties on their T-zone. But really, anyone can get in on the action, and it’s just a great way to target different skin concerns at once. This begs the question: are there other products that you should cater to certain areas of your face, especially if you have a combination skin type?

To find out if there’s a real benefit to multimoisturising, or using different moisturizers on different areas of your face, we tapped board-certified dermatologist Ted Lain, MD, of Sanova Dermatology. Keep reading to find out what he says.

“Given that different areas of the face have different properties, such as oil production, skin thickness, and propensity towards acne or other skin conditions, it makes sense to use masks for the various areas,” Dr. Lain said. “[Multimoisturizing] is less appropriate than multimasking, in my opinion.”

“I am fine with people using more than one moisturiser, I just don’t think there is a need.”

The reason he doesn’t recommend it is because he doesn’t find it necessary – it’s not that there’s anything wrong with it. “We know that people with acne have an issue with the barrier function of their skin – they need moisturizers to help protect their skin from the environment just like someone with dry and sensitive skin would,” Dr. Lain said. “Therefore, using a gentle, non-comedogenic moisturiser over the entire face is completely appropriate for someone with acne.”

In other words, if you feel your moisturise is triggering your acne, it may just mean you need to find a formula that better suits your skin. Those with acne-prone skin especially should look for a moisturiser that’s non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t clog pores. Another potential red flag to avoid if you’re prone to breakouts is fragrances.

If you do want to give multimoisturising a try, Dr. Lain recommends using a product formulated with salicylic acid or an alpha hydroxy acid for your acne-prone areas and a calming formula for the rest of your face. But, again, he doesn’t think you need to. “I think moisturisers should be used for their barrier repair and hydrating properties,” Dr. Lain said. Save your money and find one good, basic moisturiser that works for your skin.

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