Australian Survivor: Liz Parnov Is the Taurus Queen Prepared for a Challenge

Liz Parnov - Australian Survivor Heroes Vs Villains
Instagram / @lizparnov

Former athlete, Liz Parnov is making her way to Samoan shores for her “Australian Survivor: Heroes Vs Villains” debut, and she is a force to be reckoned with. Having spent years as an Olympic Pole Vault champion, dedication, practice, and self-control are in her DNA. Liv followed in the footsteps of her pole-vaulter father and coach and started the sport at just 10-years-old. Parnov’s determination paid off when she became the youngest-ever competitor in the pole vault at the Olympics at just 18.

Now making a name for herself in the marketing industry after resigning from the sport, Liz prepared for the challenge of “Survivor“. She believes that the show is the ultimate test of human endurance, pushing every aspect of a person to the limit. From the physical challenges to the mental and social aspects of the game, she’s ready to tackle them all.

Admitting that her love for self-care might make the game hard, Liz knows that she’s a larger-than-life personality. She describes herself as aggressive, short-tempered, and a Taurus, making her a perfect fit for a Villains tribe. Despite this, Liz sees herself as a good person and is ready to play the game to win.

Tune in to “Australian Survivor: Heroes Vs Villains” on 10 and 10 Play on Demand.

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