What Did Lady Gaga and Obama Casually Chat About at the Inauguration? An Investigation

Lady Gaga and Barack Obama put their friendship on full display at the presidential inauguration on Wednesday, and it was the cherry on top for an already victorious day. Shortly after Gaga belted out the national anthem in front of the crowd gathered at the Capitol, she crossed paths with the former president, and they quickly caught up like old pals. NBD, just two legends being legends together.

While fervently talking each other’s ears off, Gaga affectionately gripped Barack’s wrist, he placed his arm on her shoulder like a true dad, and they finally embraced in a comforting hug heard ’round the world. (Jealous!) Their close relationship should hardly come as a surprise – after all, Gaga has been an avid supporter of Joe Biden through the years, working closely with him to spread the word about preventing sexual assault during the Obama administration and even joining Joe on the campaign trail leading up to the 2020 presidential election.

Gaga and Barack’s sweet Inauguration Day interaction left many viewers with one big question: what on earth were those two talking about? Since the two stars unfortunately weren’t mic’ed up, we can’t tell you for sure, but we can share our theories on the comments and questions they may have exchanged during the brief yet oh-so-sweet encounter. See how their conversation might have played out ahead.

Related: Twitter Couldn't Handle Lady Gaga and Mike Pence's Awkward Inauguration Day Moment


Barack Obama: “There she is! The woman of the hour. Lemme play it cool while she gets her picture taken real quick. I’ll just chill here and smile from behind my face mask.”

Lady Gaga: “Oh man, here comes 44. I can sense his powerful presence without even seeing him. Cue the internal fan-girling.”


Barack Obama: “Stef, you absolutely crushed the national anthem. I mean, not that I doubted you or anything, but whew, those pipes! They blow me away every time.”

Lady Gaga: “Oh my goodness, thank you so much, Barack. I’m over here blushing. And oh hi, Michelle! It’s been a minute since our hangout at the 2019 Grammys! *Sighs* Good times, right?”

Getty / Alex Wong

Barack Obama: “Also, can we discuss this dress of yours? And the braided hairstyle? Girl, you are giving me Effie Trinket from Hunger Games vibes, and I mean that in the most polite way possible. I’m here for it.”

Lady Gaga: “Sheesh, you are on a roll with the compliments today, Barry! But thank you – I couldn’t have done it without the folks at Schiaparelli. They custom-made the dress for the occasion, and I added the gold dove as a sign of peace, ’cause we could all use more of that after the past four years, wouldn’t you agree?”

Barack Obama: “You have no idea how much I agree with ya on that.”

Getty / Alex Wong

Lady Gaga: “So, I’m not sure if you saw yet, but I recently came out with my own line of Oreos. They’re pretty rad, if I do say so myself. I’d love to send you and the girls a few packages; just hit me up with your address, and I’ve got you covered for life.”

Barack Obama: “Psh, obviously I heard about your Oreos! I’m super intrigued by that green creme hiding inside, and the girls have been dying to try ’em. I’ll shoot you a text with our address later tonight, deal?”

Lady Gaga: “Deal. While I’m at it, I’ll send over some of my Haus Laboratories liquid eyeliner for Sasha and Malia. It’s been a hit with the beauty crowd. They’ll look gorge in it.”

Getty / Alex Wong

Lady Gaga: “By the way Barry, what’s a gal gotta do to snag a spot on one of your famous playlists? It’d be a career highlight to be featured – so, what’s the secret formula?”

Barack Obama: “Hah, good question! Honestly, I’m really not sure why the heck you haven’t wound up on one of those lists yet. It’s about damn time, though. I’ll keep it in mind for sure!”

Getty / Alex Wong

Lady Gaga: “Sheesh, I’m just feeling so overcome with emotion right now. I can’t believe this day has come, and Joe Biden is finally our president! Is it weird that I just really feel the need to hug you right now? I just have so much excited energy, and I’m not sure what to do with it.”

Barack Obama: “Hell yeah, bring it in, girl.”

Getty / Tom Williams

Lady Gaga: “Ugh, you’re seriously the best. I knew I could count on you to not make it weird.”

Barack Obama: “Hey, it’s what I’m here for. I’m all about a good hug – as long as we’re masked up!”

Getty / Alex Wong

Lady Gaga: “So, see ya around the White House? I’ll be helping Joe out with some things the next four years, so let’s definitely link up.”

Barack Obama: “Absolutely! Perhaps I can get a singing lesson or two sometime?”

Lady Gaga: “Anything for you, Barry! Catch ya on the flip side.”

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