Yes, the Big Brother Housemates Had to Go to the Bathroom Together

Big Brother

It was a Big Brother Australia story as old as time. Sarah-Jane Adams and Tilly Whitfield were tasked with adding up every single number on all four walls in a secret panic room. They failed and so Big Brother penalised the whole house — by roping every single housemate together.

“Now you will all be punished,” Big Brother told the housemates. “For the last few days, all I have heard you talk about is how there are two sides in my house. It’s about time you all came together. And what better way to do that, than by all being chained together.”

He continued: “From now until morning, all 12 of you will be chained together as one and yes, this is going to make even the simplest of tasks even more difficult.”

After his announcement, both Mary Kalifatidis and Jess Trend yelled: “But we haven’t been to the toilet!” Their exclamations brought up a VERY valid point. Were the housemates chained together while using the loo?

After her elimination from the Big Brother house, Mel McGorman set the record straight. They were.

“Everyone had to go with you,” she said. “That was the hardest thing about being in the Big Brother house, was feeling violated when it came to cameras in the bathrooms and people having to go to the toilet with you.”

She continued: “That was probably a hard thing for everyone to get through, throughout the process.”

Personally, we’d probably get stage fright, and according to Mel, some people did! Eep!

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The End.

The next story, coming up!