Turns Out, Carrie and Big Might Still Be Together – But Do We Want Them to Be?

New photos of SJP on set for the Sex and the City reboot …And Just Like That show her wearing a wedding ring, which, as you can imagine, has sent the internet in a bit of a tizzy.

Has Carrie and Mr. Big’s marriage stood the test of time?


I hate to say it, but it’s hard to believe that they’re having a happy and chill time, married and living in New York. They’re a couple that we’ve been rooting for the entire time, but also — and I speak for myself here — are a bit cautious about.

I feel like Miranda right now. I’m definitely more of a romantic than I am a cynic, but we’ve been through so much with Carrie and Mr. Big. They’ve given up on each other and come back together so many times that it’s hard to imagine them existing in anything but a messy, emotional, passionate and exhausting, whirlwind relationship.

And the messiness is kind of why we love them. I’ve definitely noticed that the older I get and the more times I re-watch SATC (yes, I’m onto my sixth time it’s no big deal), the less mysterious, romantic and gripping Carrie and Big’s storyline is to me.

When I first watched Sex and the City, I was young and I hadn’t dated much. Mr. Big embodied all of the things that I found attractive and sought out in men. He was older, successful, handsome and arrogant. And, most importantly, he was emotionally unavailable.

The thing about love stories like theirs is that you really just want them to end up together because regardless of how bad they are at communicating with each other, they have such a real, true love.

Messy relationships make for great TV and we’re hooked because they never seem to be able to resolve themselves. I’m not saying that I’m any less hooked to their story — I’m just a bit over hot older men that run away from vulnerability.

In a script leaked in May, Carrie Bradshaw seemed to reveal that her husband (we’re assuming Big) had cheated on her, with perhaps several women.

In the leaked script, published by The Cut, Bradshaw asks her friends, “I was doing well, wasn’t I doing well? Before this?”. She then goes on to say, “I mean, I was doing the podcast, I was washing my hair. Yes, I wasn’t eating or sleeping, but at least I felt good about my marriage. Now I’m just one of the wives he was taking care of?”

I mean, it sounds like a very Carrie thing to say for one, and it makes us pretty damn excited for this reboot. But it still sends the imagination reeling with curiosity as to whether the two were able to make it work.

Big and Carrie survived a moment of infidelity in Sex and the City 2, when Carrie kissed her ex Aidan, but Big forgave her in the end. People have argued that this might explain why she wouldn’t leave Big if he cheated on her, although extramarital kissing is arguably not comparable to the idea that Big has several “wives”.

There are so many reasons we could argue that this relationship is too complicated to work out and that it’s potentially toxic, the romantic in me loves that they know the best and worst of each other and despite that, they still keep ending up together.

I’d be lying if I said I don’t desperately want them to end up together, because what an unsatisfying ending that after all six seasons and two movies, these idiots don’t fly off into the sunset, hand-in-hand?

I know we’re living in a more developed, emotionally-mature world when it comes to relationships, but still, I can’t help but love a good, old-fashioned happy ending.

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