Elizabeth Olsen's Acting Career Goes Way Beyond Wanda Maximoff

Everett Collection / Disney+/Courtesy Everett Collection

Fans might have first learned about Elizabeth Olsen because she’s Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen’s sister, but since she started starring in movies and TV shows in 2011, the actor has made a name for herself as an absolute star. Before she found mainstream success as Wanda Maximoff, aka the Scarlet Witch, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Olsen starred in smaller, indie films like “Martha Marcy May Marlene” and “Silent House.” She also starred in the Facebook Watch series “Sorry For Your Loss,” all about a young widow’s grief.

Now, Olsen is gearing up for the release of her new series, “Love & Death.” She stars as Candy Montgomery, a Texas housewife who killed Betty Gore with an axe. Interestingly, a Hulu limited series, “Candy,” told the same story earlier this year.

Back in May, Olsen reflected on how her MCU success hurt her ability to be cast in indie roles. “I started to feel frustrated,” she told The New York Times. “I had this job security but I was losing these pieces that I felt were more part of my being. And the further I got away from that, the less I became considered for it.”

“It [Marvel] took me away from the physical ability to do certain jobs that I thought were more aligned with the things I enjoyed as an audience member,” she explained. She had wanted to be part of the movie “The Lobster” but had to say no because of filming commitments. “And this is me being the most honest,” she said.

As Olsen continues to build up her impressive résumé, revisit her most iconic movie and television roles ahead.

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