Emma Chamberlain Is “Excited” and Ready to Be a First-Time Voter in This Presidential Election

Emma Chamberlain wears many hats. She’s a YouTuber, a business owner, a mental health advocate, and a podcast host. But, at the core of it, she’s a 19-year-old, and she’s aware of the responsibility she has to vote in the upcoming presidential election – and she’s encouraging other young people to do the same.

In an interview with POPSUGAR, Emma acknowledged that figuring out the process as a first-time voter has been “nerve-wracking.” “I’m new to it, figuring out how to register and all of that,” she said. But beyond the initial nerves, she recognized that there’s a sense of real power that comes with casting your first ballot. “I feel it’s such a sign of OK, you’re an adult now.”

“It’s truly something that is so cool that we have the ability [to vote]. It’s a new responsibility that gets added to your plate as you become an adult,” Emma continued. “It’s something to be excited about in life; something to be passionate about. I think leaning into it is just so important. Go do it.”

If you haven’t already registered to vote, there’s still time! A few states are beginning the early voting process, but there are ongoing opportunities to mail in ballots, or you can visit your polling place on Nov. 3. Listen to Emma and find out your registration status today.

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