Bump, Bump It Up! The Presidential Inauguration Was Filled With Genuine Fist Bumps


If Destiny’s Child were to write a song about the presidential inauguration, it would undoubtedly be titled “Bumpin’ Bumpin’.” On Jan. 20, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were sworn into office during one of the most hopeful and pleasant days in history. Lady Gaga performed the National Anthem, Amanda Gorman delivered a moving poetry reading, and all eyes were on the close-knit Biden and Harris families as the country awaited the next chapter in our democracy. However, even with Jennifer Lopez in attendance, the most popular guest at the presidential inauguration had to be the fist bump.

From Barack Obama fist-bumping Alex Rodriguez, to Vice President Harris exchanging bumps with Michelle Obama, the greetings were joyous and they were COVID-appropriate! Check out all the heartfelt photos of President Biden, Vice President Harris, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and so many more exchanging fist bumps, Cause it’s inauguration and the Capitol is bumpin’, bumpin’.

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