It’s Official: Heartbreak High Returns for Its Third and Final Term

heartbreak high season 3

We’re headed back to Hartley High for one last ride. That’s right, Netflix just gave the green light for the third and final season of Heartbreak High, and we couldn’t be more pumped. Following the ups and downs of high school life, this Aussie classic is set to wrap up its reboot with a bang.

So, get ready to catch up with your favourite characters as they gear up for their last year at Hartley High. While we’re all eagerly waiting, Netflix is keeping us on our toes with the release date still under wraps.

Excitement soared as Netflix’s director of content ANZ, Que Minh Luu, shared, “She never got the letter – but now we get to see what happens next!”

“Renewing Heartbreak High for its final season is a major point of pride for us at Netflix. It has been a joy to work with the utterly cooked creative minds behind our favourite Aussie YA show and to bring our stories, our culture and our in-jokes to all the fans here at home and throughout the world. See you at muck up day.”

It Comes After Such Success With Season 2

Let’s take a minute to discuss the massive success of Season 2. Seriously, within a week of its release, it racked up 2.3 million views globally, making it a top pick on Netflix — not just Down Under, but worldwide. Now that’s what you call binge-worthy.

For those who remember the OG Heartbreak High from the ’90s, this reboot is a nostalgic treat. And for the newbies jumping on board, get ready for some seriously addictive drama. The cast, including Ayesha Madon, Chloe Hayden, Thomas Weatherall, and the rest of the crew, will be bringing their A-game for the final season.

We can’t wait to see what Season 3 has in store for us!

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