Looking for Love? “The Bachelors” 2024 Is Now Taking Applications

The Bachelors
Network 10

Are you ready for some steamy romance and a shot at finding true love? Well, get excited, because casting is now open for “The Bachelors” eleventh season, set to air in 2024.

That’s right, after last season’s triple-bachelor drama, Channel 10 is giving the franchise another shot at love. While we’re not sure what the setup will look like, they are searching for single men and women.

In 2022, “The Bachelorette Australia” made history by having Brooke Blurton front the show. The 27-year-old was the first-ever pansexual and Indigenous Bachelorette, and the season was deemed groundbreaking as it was the first time both men and women entered the mansion.

While the new Bachie (or Bachies) hasn’t been confirmed just yet, the network is calling out for singles to apply for the upcoming season.

How Can You Apply For “The Bachelors” 2024?

If you’re single and ready to mingle, this could be your chance to find that special someone. The show is looking for single men and women between the ages of 21-50 who are ready to embark on a journey of love and are available to be filmed for up to 12 weeks starting from July-August of 2023.

You can head over to The Bachelor’s official website and fill out the online application form. You’ll be asked some basic questions about yourself. As well as a series of questions about your personality and what you’re looking for in a partner.

The application process is no joke, so if you’re serious about finding love, make sure to bring your A-game. The producers are looking for eligible and suitable candidates who are genuine and sincere about finding love. If you make it past the initial application, you may be invited to attend a casting call.

So if you’re looking for love and a chance to be part of one of TV’s hottest reality shows, apply now for “The Bachelors” 2024. Who knows? You could be the next lucky contestant vying for the heart of the most eligible bachelor or bachelorette.

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