Um, Is Farmer Wants a Wife Still On Tonight?

is farmer wants a wife on tonight

This season, we’ve been absolutely loving Farmer Wants a Wife. It’s exactly the kind of dating show we need — one with an escapist twist, where we can leave all our troubles behind and watch romance blossom against a beautiful country backdrop.

However, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard the news that Queen Elizabeth II died recently.

The news has been, you know, absolutely everywhere, whether that’s on your social media feeds, on the radio during your commute, or when you turn on the TV. It’s basically a Capital-B-Big Deal.

With the news of the late Queen’s death taking up so much airtime, we had to know: is Farmer Wants a Wife still going to air as usual tonight? This kind of once-in-a-lifetime news event often means a change of schedule for all the shows we usually watch.

Last week, the answer was yes — Farmer Wants a Wife continued as usual. This week, however, things are a little different.

With the Queen’s funeral set to take place tomorrow, Monday September 19, Farmer Wants a Wife will not be airing as normal this week. Rather than airing Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights, this week it will air only two new episodes, on Tuesday, September 20 and Wednesday, September 21. Both episodes will air at 7.30pm, only on 7 and 7 Plus.

Sp, we’ll still get to see our Farmers — Paige, Ben, Benjamin, Harry and Will — head out on cute dates as they search for their potential soulmates this week. TBH, maybe that’s exactly what we need!

Of course, if anything changes, we’ll be the first to let you know, but until then, Farmer Wants a Wife is expected to return to regularly scheduled programming from next week.

Want more Farmer Wants a Wife? Read all our content here, and check out the stories below:

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