Bruja Tarotscope: Your January 2022 Reading Revealed

Tarot Theme for the Month: Ten of Wands

The ten of wands card is appearing for all zodiac signs for the month of January. This is a month of focus and feeling ready to tackle responsibilities. This card can indicate we are taking on too much. At times, more than we can handle, which becomes burdensome. You are being asked to delegate when needed and don’t overwhelm yourself. A new year represents new opportunities. In turn, one must organise the chaos and clutter. Discipline will be your mejor amiga this month.

Esoteric Esa

Aries or Aries Rising: Six of Cups

Your card is the six of cups for January, Aries. Children will be prominent this month. The arrival of a new child possibly or maybe issues with a child is finally coming to an end? Not thinking of children? This is also the energy of tapping into your inner child. This month will bring you lighthearted experiences and possibly a new love connection. This new love can make you feel nostalgic and full of mariposas. Have fun and enjoy the moment. Side note: Mercury retrograde might bring back an old love.

Esoteric Esa

Taurus or Taurus Rising: Four of Swords

Your card is the four of swords for January, Taurus. You’re resting this month. You might spend a lot of time alone, but that’s only because you’re taking time to strategise. Take time to think things through; however, don’t stall either. Physically, tune into your body this month. You might feel more tired than usual. We have the Taurus and Scorpio eclipses this year. Therefore, this year is going to require you to pace yourself. Respect your strengths and weaknesses.

Esoteric Esa

Gemini or Gemini Rising: The King of Cups

Your card is The King of Cups for January, Gemini. This water sign is masculine, meaning a husband, boss, etc., will provide some significant advice for you this month. This person is trustworthy and is looking out for your best interest. Additionally, this is a month where you’re being asked to practice emotional intelligence. Express your emotions from a healthy place. Maturity is wisdom.

Esoteric Esa

Cancer or Cancer Rising: The Queen of Pentacles

Your card is the Queen of Pentacles for January, Cancer. Last month you were in your Queen of Cups energy. Now you’re ready to take action as the Queen of Pentacles. You’ve spent enough time sorting through your intuition and emotions. Now, you’re being called to follow through with action this month. The empire is coming to fruition this year. You can expect good news in career or business this month.

Esoteric Esa

Leo or Leo Rising: The Fool

Your card is the Fool for January, Leo. This is a wonderful energy. You could be feeling energized and refreshed this month. A new opportunity will be manifesting for you. There’s an energy of freedom and independence for you coming in. This is a great time to travel and meet new people. Networking this month will welcome pleasant opportunities. Allow yourself to expand in new ways at this time. Change is your keyword.

Esoteric Esa

Virgo or Virgo Rising: The Emperor

Your card is the Emperor for January, Virgo. The energy of an older man, someone in a leadership role, could be taking up a lot of your time this month. You might be required to designate some important time with a father figure. Once you get that sorted out, take time this month to be flexible. Be assertive this month, and not stubborn. You might be too fixed on an idea especially as it relates to business. Revisit the blueprint.

Esoteric Esa

Libra or Libra Rising: Queen of Cups

Your card is the Queen of Cups for January, Libra. Many will find you empathetic and inspirational this month. You’re a very creative sign. Your creativity will be shining bright this month. Allow yourself to take the lead and speak up. They say closed mouths don’t get fed. This is a month where you have valuable intuitive insight to contribute. You’ll know how to read the room and get your message across without imposing on any personalities. This is a month of fulfillment for you.

Esoteric Esa

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising: The Nine of Pentacles

Your card is the nine of pentacles for January, Scorpio. You could be seeking out spiritual advice from a tarot reader or metaphysical practitioner that will be worth your investment. This month, you’re finding your groove with finances. Acquiring wealth has been a longtime goal of yours and you’re seeing the fruits of your labor harvest. Your theme song for this month: “Independent” by Webbie because you’re stepping into 2022 feeling like the jefa you are!

Esoteric Esa

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising: Six of Swords

Your card is the six of swords for January, Sagittarius. The worst is over. January is bringing you peace after some rocky waters. You closed out 2021 confronting turbulent situations. Releasing the old and stepping into your true transformation. This coming year is opening up with some much needed positivity. Trust the guidance you’re receiving at this time is truly from your spirit team.

Esoteric Esa

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising: The Tower Card

Your card is The Tower Card for January, Capricorn. Happy birthday season! This isn’t the most positive card, however, it is the one that brings evolution. Closure is on the horizon. Before you get to such, you’re going to have to face the music. January might throw you an unexpected situation resulting in disappointment or loss. The perception of such is up to you. Turn this fear into creation. Rebirth is here.

Esoteric Esa

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising: The Ten of Cups

Your card for January is the ten of cups, Aquarius. Happy birthday Aquas! Unlike your birthday counterparts, Capricorns, this new year is bringing some optimism. You’re going to be extremely busy this month spending time with good company. All the hard work you invest in 2021 is going to manifest this year. Expect big blessings and destined new connections. New love and platonic soulmates will be entering your life this month.

Esoteric Esa

Pisces or Pisces Rising: The Ace of Cups

Your card for January is the ace of cups, Pisces. Wow! This is some of the best energy out of the entire zodiac for this month. Congrats, Pisces. You’re feeling secure and confident. There’s a lot for you to be grateful for and your realization of such has helped you to get to this month. 2022 is ushering in new opportunities in career, love, and health. Expect improvements in all areas of your life. Take a gamble this month. The risk is the reward.

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