Kourtney Kardashian Barker Was Initially “Afraid” to Move From Friendship to Romance With Travis Barker

Kourtney Kardashian Barker and Travis Barker are Hollywood’s cutest friends to lovers, but the former admits that she was initially hesitant to make the leap. In the latest episode of the “Not Skinny but Not Fat” podcast, Kardashian Barker talked with host Amanda Hirsch at length about her new husband, whom she married in May, and the start of their romance after years of a platonic relationship.

“I think I was afraid of anything that could be real,” Kardashian Barker said in the Oct. 4 podcast episode, revealing that longtime neighbour Barker never made a “physical move” throughout their years of friendship, but he would ask her to hang out.

“He would ask me to go to the movies and I just, I remember telling my therapist, I was like, ‘Travis asked me to go to the movies,'” recounted the mom of three. “And she was like, ‘And are you gonna go?’ And I was like, ‘I could never go. I could never.’ And she was like, ‘Why? You know, he sounds like a good dad.'” Kardashian Barker said she worried about Barker trying to kiss her or hold her hand, but her therapist pushed back: “So what?”

Kardashian Barker, who had previously been in a nearly decade-long relationship with Scott Disick, admitted, “I had such a guard up for so many years, and I just think it was too real. And then friends almost kept saying it again, kept saying it again.”

Kardashian Barker and Barker got engaged in October of last year after confirming their romance in February 2021. Reflecting now, Kardashian Barker said that she and Barker “always” wish that their friendship had transitioned to more earlier on. “We both feel like the timing is everything and the timing was perfect, and I’m grateful for everything that led me to [him],” she told Hirsch. “Exact, you know, time and place and everything. But we do say that. We’re like, ‘Oh, we could have had, you know, this many more years together and been doing all these things for so long.'”

Now, she said, they’re “figuring out how to blend our households” and their combined family of six children, and valuing their “time together.” They’re in no rush to move in together right now, she said, but someday “there will be” a joint home. Explained Kardashian Barker, “We want our kids to feel really comfortable. They have both lived in their homes their whole lives for the most part, and just, they each have their rooms. We are a block away.”

Related: No Lights? No Problem! Kourtney Kardashian Barker Keeps Up the PDA With Travis Barker at Boohoo Show

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