Hard Hats at the Ready! MAFS’ Olivia Frazer May Be Joining The Block 2023 With Her Brother

Instagram / @olivefrazer

In all my years of being a journalist, I never thought Iā€™d be writing this story, but here we are. Olivia Frazer, who you may know from Married At First Sight, has revealed in one of her many Q&As that she may be joining The Block in 2023.

Yes, the same Olivia who became nationally hated after her controversial run on MAFS. The same Olivia who claimed that fellow MAFS bride Domenica Calarco waved a smashed glass in her face. 

The same Olivia who lost her teaching job because of her antics on the show and the same Olivia who cannot seem to stay out of drama even after the show has finished airing.

Olivia was responding to a follower who asked if she would come on TV again, saying: ā€œFirstly, my first stint on reality TV didnā€™t go over so well.

ā€œSecondly, I need Endemol Shineā€™s ā€” which is the production company behind MAFS ā€” permission to do any sort of other TV for the next 18 months.

ā€œSo if I wanted to do another show, Iā€™d have to ask their permission, which is what Iā€™m sure my castmates have had to do, and theyā€™ve been given permission. I doubt that I would get permission because Endemol Shine clearly f*cking hates me for some reason.ā€

However, despite all of that, she said her brother Tommy Frazer, who is best known for his stint on Bondi Rescue, is pushing for them to apply for the renovation show.

ā€œMy brother is trying to commit me to do The Block, which, one, my brother is way more charismatic than I am, and two, heā€™s a carpenter, so I think it would actually be alright,ā€ she said.

ā€œBut I just donā€™t trust the editing process. I havenā€™t watched The Block for years; I donā€™t know whatā€™s f**king going on there.ā€

Will we see a MAFS x The Block crossover? Iā€™m not ruling out anything at this point.

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