Brace Yourselves, Spotify Wrapped Is Set to Drop Any Day Now


Guess what’s just around the corner? That’s right – the eagerly awaited Spotify Wrapped 2023 is about to drop, and it’s time to get pumped for your own personalised musical time capsule. Since its debut in 2016, Spotify Wrapped has become the ultimate year-end treat, dishing out not just your top 100 songs, but also revealing your ride-or-die artist and the podcasts that kept you company throughout the year. We all know which artist is topping our list this year. Hint: she’s blonde and has one of the biggest tours of 2023.

Spotify Wrapped has got everything – your top artists, albums, songs, and even your go-to podcasts, all neatly packaged for you to relive the audio that defined your year.

Spotify Wrapped Release Date

So, we’re all on the edge of our seats, eagerly awaiting for Spotify Wrapped 2023 to drop. Historically, Spotify has been like clockwork, dropping this musical bombshell on us either on the last day of November (2022) or the first day of December (2021).

The buzz is real, and while the official release date for 2023 is still under wraps (pun intended), judging by the consistency of past years, it’s a safe bet that the big reveal is just around the corner, possibly later this week.

How to Access Spotify Wrapped

Unlocking your Spotify Wrapped for 2023 is a breeze. Simply ensure you have the Spotify app installed on your phone and are signed in. If you’re on your phone, open the app, and you’ll find an invitation to explore your Wrapped report.

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