The Block’s Sharon Shares the Racist DMs She’s Received on Instagram After Cheating Scandal

Warning: The content in this article may be triggering to some people.

Everyone, and I mean everyone, is currently aware of the cheating scandal that has hit The Block this week.

I say that because the reality show is really promoting it — who knew renovations could get so juicy?

However, if you’re blissfully unaware of what’s happening, then read this handy dandy guide to catch up, because the aftermath is next-level dramatic.

After the two episodes focusing on Sharon and Ankur’s cheating scandal went to air, the pair have been receiving vile messages on Instagram, and frankly, reading them makes my blood boil.

First of all, it’s a reality TV show. It’s really not that deep. Second of all, how dare these people say what they said!?

Since the show went to air, Sharon, who is of Indian descent, has been vocal on Instagram about the “villain edit” she and her husband have given.

Now, she’s sharing just two of the many disgusting messages she receives daily.

One racist troll, who seemed to have made a fake account just to spew vile vitriol, sent a private message to Sharon, saying: “You filthy cheating Indian c**t. Get out of our f*cking country.

“Dirty lying c**ts, both of you filthy f*cking grubby pieces of sh*t! Deny all you f*cking like; we all seen [sic] you search it on your f*cking phones. F*cking cheats, that’s all you two dogs are. F*ck off back to your own f*cking country, you s*rubber b*tch! Your day is coming, mole!”

While another, who has over 1,000 followers, wrote: “You probably should have stuck to cooking curry in the kitchen!”

As a journalist, I try my best to remain unbiased and keep my opinions out of the content that I write but sorry, not this time.

Australian reality TV is an abysmal representation of what our country actually looks like, so when The Block revealed their contestant list, which featured a Muslim team and an Indian-Australian team, it was refreshing.

However, comments such as the above remind people of colour, people like me, that we will never truly be seen as “Australian”. 

You see, the above isn’t criticism; it’s pure hate. 

Even if Ankur and Sharon did cheat, you could share your opinion on the scandal without mentioning their race, and through a constructive lens. 

In other news, Sharon remains adamant that she and Ankur did not cheat and went on to blame the producers of the show for a bad edit.

“There were no rules against using phones or researching – we all did,” she wrote on a TikTok video before adding: “We told production and the winemaker we had tasting notes from the start.”

Anyway — if you’re that upset over something that happened on a reality show, then go outside and touch grass. 

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