The Traitors: Ethan Is Ready to Push Some Barriers

Network Ten

Imagine Cluedo, but in real life. Sounds like my childhood fantasy, TBH. But for 24 players, this will be their reality; as they participate in Channel 10’s newest game show: The Traitors.

The Traitors sees a group of 24 players, also known as Faithfuls, live together in a grand old hotel where they will need to have their wits about them as they carry out challenges in order to win silver bars, contributing to a prize pool of silver worth up to $250,000.

They’ll also need to figure out which, among them, are actually Traitors.

Stakes are high, because if a Traitor makes it to the end undetected, they get to walk away with the lot. If a Faithful can successfully unmask a Traitor, however, and get rid of them before the final vote, they have the option to take all the prize money or split and share it with their final remaining Faithful.

If anyone is going to be in tune which who is a Traitor or a Faithful, it’s clairvoyant Chloe. She knows her unique skill set is one that can work in her favour in finding out who people really are.

Phew! Okay. So, who are the players competing on The Traitors? One of them is 27-year-old fitness instructor, Ethan, from Victoria.

A self-confessed lone wolf, Ethan runs a health and fitness company out of Melbourne. Helping other people find and break the barrier they have on themselves is his greatest passion in life.

With this in mind, he loves to push himself physically and mentally, currently holding two Guinness World Records. The first record is for achieving the most amount of burpees in three minutes and the second is
for dragging a two-tonne vehicle 100 kilometres in 48 hours on no sleep. Pretty impressive, Ethan!

Highly competitive, Ethan is a direct and straight shooter and knows he has to bite his tongue to keep himself safe in the game.

“There will be times I want to speak up and I know that if I do that, it
could get me in trouble,” he says in a press statement.

“My game plan coming into this is the first half, I’m going to be super likeable, super social and get everyone to like me. Second half, burn ‘em all”.

Excited to play the game, Ethan says: “I would really like to be chosen as a Traitor. You can just go in and mess stuff up and that sounds fun”.

Will Ethan push his own barriers and make it to the end? Tune in to The Traitors, premiering on Sunday, October 16 on 10 and 10play to find out.

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The End.

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