It’s Been a Week Full of Surprises, So Will Big Brother Finally Introduce Brenton?

Brenton Big Brother

If you can believe it, we’re already hurtling towards the middle of Big Brother Australia and with evictions every single night, already numbers are starting to dwindle.

While we’re loving the alliances that are being formed and the twists and turns of the house, there seems to be a piece of the puzle missing. Brenton Balicki.

Now, if you’re not too sure about who this is before the official cast list was announced, some individual housemates were released by channel 7, including Brenton.

The 31-year-old account manager from Sydney is currently the only person to have not entered the Big Brother house, leaving fans to wonder, where on earth is Brenton?

This “very single” guy describes himself as a passionate person, and he’s playing Big Brother’s game to win.

“I don’t go into anything to lose,” he said in his official bio. “I’m going to use every skill I’ve got, whether it’s charming them with cooking or charming them physically. There’s not a single challenge that’s going to break me.” 

Of course, we can absolutely assume that he will be classified as an intruder, however, there’s no telling when he will arrive. Will it be through a secret trap door? Will he arrive by Big Brother Air? And how many housemates need to leave for him to enter?

Currently, it is Surprise Week and the housemates have no idea what’s around the corner. Could Brenton be one of those bombshells? Or will we still have to wait a few more weeks?

It’s really anyone’s guess and just like you, we’re waiting with baited breath for his imminent arrival.

Until then, learn more about the blue-eyed stranger below.

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