10 Simple and Nutritious School Lunch Ideas For Picky Eaters

Getty / RuslanDashinsky

Let’s face it – figuring out what to feed your kid at lunchtime can be one of the toughest parts of your day if you have a picky eater. It’s hard enough coming up with new, nourishing recipes that will hold up in your child’s lunchbox until it’s time to trek down to the cafeteria, five days a week. Things only get more challenging when you’ve got a picky eater on your hands.

The last thing we want is for our kids to eat the same thing every day, as doing so can lead to some nutritional gaps. But who has the time to sift through the thousands of articles out there to find one – just one – meal that maybe your kid will like that doesn’t include a chicken nugget or a hot dog.

To hopefully save you some time in the kitchen, we’ve rounded up tried and true recipes that we think your child will love. We’ve focused on those that sneak in a bit of nutrition, such as in hidden veggie mac and cheese, or that present your child’s lunch in a new, novel way, like meat, cheese, and fruit kabobs. We hope this gives you some much needed inspiration and peace of mind as you send your persnickety eater off to another fun-filled school year.

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