The Best Meditation and Mindfulness Apps to Help Teens De-Stress and Think Positively

Getty / MamiGibbs

When life gets a little overwhelming – and trust us, we’ve all been there – practicing mindfulness is one way to slow down and take a breather. The end of the year can be an especially difficult time for many young people, between the stress of the holidays, school exams, and the apparent pressure of making New Year’s resolutions. But if you’ve never practiced mindfulness or meditation before, getting started can be intimidating.

Luckily, there are a variety of different meditation apps out there to help you incorporate intentionality and positive thinking into your daily routine. Plus, with so many different choices, you can tailor your mindfulness journey to your own goals, needs, and passions.

Related: Follow These Guided Meditation Videos From YouTube For Relaxation, Reflection, and Pause

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