How We're Making the Most of Our Son's First Christmas, in Spite of COVID-19

Emilee Janitz

My husband and I welcomed our first child the week before Thanksgiving. When I had first found out I was pregnant 10 months ago, COVID-19 was just starting to make its rounds in the US. We never imagined the pandemic would manifest the way it did and that it would affect life as we knew it for this extended length of time. It was our hope that by the time our son was born around the holidays, life would be a little bit more normal.

Well, normalcy is not the reality we were all dealt, unfortunately, and many of us are experiencing a holiday season very different from those of our past. Growing up and well into adulthood, Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. Every year, I look forward to many festive traditions including days dedicated to making and baking cookies with family members and friends, singing in holiday concerts, participating in holiday plays, and – of course – celebrating largely with family on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Related: 14 Holiday Traditions You Should Start With Your Family This Year

When I envisioned my son’s first Christmas, I saw all of these traditions playing out in my mind. Baking trays of cookies with family members between feedings, watching the little guy being held by his grandparents in front of the Christmas tree, bringing him to his first Christmas Eve Mass, and more. Sure, he is a newborn and wouldn’t have remembered any of this, but my husband and I were really excited to share the magic of the holidays with our bundle of joy.

As easy as it is to feel down and disappointed knowing our son’s first Christmas will look so different from what we always envisioned, my husband and I are doing our best to remain positive and create memories in spite of COVID-19 and life in isolation. This is how we’re doing that.

Related: Dear Baby, After Our Loss, Your First Christmas Means So Much More

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