Never Do This When Buying a Bra – and What You Should Be Doing Instead

Bra fitting tips

Even if you’ve been wearing bras for decades, like I have, you probably still some questions about them. I know I do. So, to help us out, Kirstin Sweeney, GM of Sales for Bendon Lingerie, part of New Zealand’s Bendon Group, founded in 1947, shares some of the dos and don’ts she often sees involving in her role.

Sweeney believes the foundation of any confident look starts with the right bra, so ahead, she shares her bra fitting tips that’ll help you choose the right one and then maintain it.

Don’t Go by Looks Alone

“A bra might look gorgeous on the hanger or in photos but remember, its main job is support,” says Sweeney. “Always try it on, move around, and listen to how your body feels in it.”

Do Get Fitted By a Bra Expert

“Our bodies change – through age, lifestyle, and events like pregnancy,” says Sweeney.

“This is where a professional bra fitting can come in. They’re like a personal pep talk for your body. The right size bra can boost posture, promote breast health and ensure all-day comfort.”

Don’t Stick to Old Sizes

“Just because you were a certain size two years ago doesn’t mean you still are that size,” says Sweeney. “Sizes can change due to various factors. Embrace the evolution and get refitted.”

Do Prioritise Fit Over Price

“A quality bra is an investment in your comfort and health,” says Sweeney. “While we’re all for scoring a good deal, fit and comfort should always be the top priorities.”

Don’t Ignore Care Instructions

“Bras, especially ones with delicate fabrics or wires, need love and care,” says Sweeney. “Hand washing and air drying can extend their life significantly.”

Don’t Assume One Size Fits All Brands

“Finally, know that not all brands size the same way,” she says. “Always try on bras from different brands, even if you think you know your size.”

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