These Fashion-Forward TV Shows Have Influenced Our Wardrobes the Most

The CW

We draw fashion inspiration from everywhere, even when we don’t realise it. Stylist pedestrians we pass by on the street, our work wives, runway shows, targeted Instagram ads (is it just me or is Instagram really nailing it lately?!) and as the headline suggests, the TV shows we consume.

A new study has come out out of the UK to determine the most influential TV shows for fashion and style inspiration. analysed the global Google searches in the past year around the wardrobes relating to a number of popular shows and their characters.

“From period pieces to modern sitcoms and teen dramas, TV has always been a rich source of fashion inspiration, no matter what your style,” the research reads.

Looking at the data, was able to determine three popular shows that quite frankly, would not surprise you. In fact, we bet you based your own style off one of these leading characters in high school…

Below we take a look at some of the most influential TV shows for fashion inspo.

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