Try This 3-Circuit Home Workout From Trainer Massy Arias – It Takes Just 10 Minutes

Massy Arias

Massy Arias, a NASM- and ACE-certified personal trainer who has worked with the likes of Jordin Sparks and Kelly Rowland, said that she’s a huge fan of circuit training. One of the benefits she highlights is weight loss due to the minimal rest in between exercises as well as the emphasis on strength in addition to cardio, allowing people to challenge their muscles and increase their heart rate at the same time.

“It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a more advanced level because at the end of the day, you’re performing one movement after the next movement after the next movement with no breaks in between,” Arias said. “There’s always an insane range of possibilities in terms of the movement and the sequences that you use and what you want target.”

Arias created a 10-minute circuit-based workout for POPSUGAR that you can do right at home. It includes three mini circuits total that feature a cardio-focused move, one lower-body move, and a move for the upper body and core. You’ll be done in a flash and will complete a range of both basic and compound exercises.

10-Minute Home Circuit Training From Massy Arias

Equipment: a workout mat (recommended), a set of dumbbells of your choosing (optional), and a kettlebell (also optional).

Directions: Before you begin your workout, make sure you do a few warmup exercises. Do the three exercises in circuit one for one minute each, then rest for 20 seconds before moving to the next circuit, where you’ll repeat the format over again for circuits two and three. The goal is to perform each movement at a decent pace for the entire minute, and you can modify as needed. See the breakdown in more detail ahead. Don’t forget to cool down with some stretches afterward.

Circuit One

  1. Goblet squat: 1 minute
  2. High plank: 1 minute
  3. Jump rope: 1 minute

Rest for 20 seconds.

Circuit Two

  1. Hip thrust: 1 minute
  2. Bear crawl: 1 minute
  3. Burpee: 1 minute

Rest for 20 seconds.

Circuit Three

  1. Bulgarian split squat: 1 minute
  2. Dead bug: 1 minute
  3. Jump rope: 1 minute

Rest for 20 seconds.

Add this workout to your next sweat session, or do it as a standalone routine when you want to keep your exercise time short and sweet. For a step-by-step breakdown of these moves, keep reading. Plus, check out Arias’s training programs on her website.

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