The 10 Superfoods We're Already Seeing Everywhere in 2020

Unsplash / Yulia Khlebnikova

If you’re always on the lookout for simple ways to boost the nutritional content of your meals, you’ll be happy to know that you won’t have to totally restock your kitchen or revamp your weekly menu to make the trendiest foods of the year work for you. Among these expert picks for 2020 are seeds, berries, and veggies that you can easily add to your favorite meals to make them even healthier!

POPSUGAR spoke with a team of dietitians who have worked with countless clients to help improve their eating habits by making simple changes, like adding superfoods to every plate. If you can handle a few blackberries in your smoothie or a handful of arugula on your avocado toast, you can reap the benefits of the nutritional superstars our pros picked. Read on to see which superfoods need to be in your grocery cart.

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