15 Healthy Green Smoothie Recipes That’ll Make You Feel Like “That Girl”

Breakfast, lunch, dinner – heck, even dessert. There’s really no bad time to have a smoothie. Not only are smoothies delicious, but they’re also easy to prep and take on the go, totally customizable, and a great way to sneak in some extra veggies. Adding vegetables is a dietitian-recommended way to make your smoothie extra healthy, as it helps to boost your fiber intake, ensure you get vital micronutrients, and get you closer to the United States Department of Agriculture’s recommended 2.5 to four servings of veggies per day.

While you can add any number of veg to your concoction, we’re partial to the green ones. (For the nutrients, sure, but also for the color.) Leafy greens are particularly easy to blend and are rich in dietary fiber, folate, vitamin K, and protective phytochemicals such as beta-carotene flavonoids, according to research. But you can also think beyond spinach and kale: cucumber, broccoli, and even avocado can add more nutrients and texture to your green smoothie.

To help inspire your next green smoothie, we’ve rounded up some of the best recipes from bloggers, experts, and POPSUGAR editors. These green smoothie recipes put green veggies first – and the best part is, none of them taste like there’s a single piece of produce in the glass.

Related: Reese Witherspoon Shares the Filling Green-Smoothie Recipe She’s Had Every Day For 9 Years

Lindsey Johnson For Simple Green Smoothies

Sweet Potato Mango Smoothie

The combo of mango, spinach, and sweet potato may seem odd, but let us tell you: this sweet potato mango smoothie is delicious. You also get more good-for-you nutrients in this green smoothie than we can count: vitamin C, fiber, and iron are just a few.

Eating Bird Food

Peanut Butter Green Smoothie

This peanut butter green smoothie recipe is packed with healthy fats from peanut butter, nutritious leafy greens, and a touch of sweetness from banana. If you don’t like using protein powder, swap that for one of these other high-protein smoothie ingredients. Either way, there’s no way you’ll taste the veg.

Fit Foodie Finds

Tropical Green Smothie

All you need for this tropical green smoothie recipe are four simple ingredients: spinach, Greek yogurt, orange juice, and a bag of frozen tropical fruit. It tastes like you’re on a beach, and gets a filling protein boost thanks to the Greek yogurt.

Get Inspired Everyday

Strawberry Banana Green Smoothie

If strawberry banana is your go-to smoothie flavor, this green smoothie recipe will be right up your alley. The base is simple, with bananas, strawberries, spinach, and the liquid of your choice (try kombucha, fruit juice, or milk). The recipe creator also shares add-on ideas (like spirulina, chia seeds, or flax) in case you want to load up this strawberry banana green smoothie with even more nutritious goodness.

Half Baked Harvest

2-Minute Green Smoothie

The genius behind this two-minute green smoothie is prepping everything ahead of time, packing it into a bag, and tossing it into your freezer. This is especially helpful if you want to drink a green smoothie for breakfast: all you need to do is dump the bag into your blender, add liquid, and push a button.

Food Faith Fitness

Mint Chocolate Green Smoothie

You’d never know from the taste of this mint chocolate green smoothie that both kale and avocado are hiding inside. The key to getting the mint chocolate flavor? A dash of peppermint extract and some mini chocolate chips.

Pinch of Yum

The Best Green Smoothie

This green smoothie recipe – which the creator straight-up calls the best green smoothie – packs frozen mango and peach slices, fresh ginger, almond milk, and leafy greens together. It’s topped off with a dash of cinnamon and honey to taste.

Nibbles and Feasts

Green Goddess Smoothie

In addition to leafy greens, this green goddess smoothie recipe also has celery for an added veggie boost. They’re disguised by cinnamon, maple syrup, nut butter, yogurt, and banana.

Make It Dairy Free

Vegan Kale Green Smoothie

Whether or not you’re vegan or diary free, this green smoothie recipe is a winner. With banana, kale, orange, rolled oats, and chia seeds, this vegan kale smoothie is packed with fiber, and it gets a slightly sweet taste from agave and coconut water

POPSUGAR Photography / Leta Shy

Vegan Avocado Smoothie

In need of an energizing reboot? Whip up this vegan detox smoothie from “365 Vegan Smoothies” by Kathy Patalsky. This green smoothie contains hydrating coconut water, tart lemon juice, and creamy avocado, as well as other ingredients that will help start your day with a zing.

POPSUGAR Photography / Anna Monette Roberts

Detox Green Smoothie

This detox green smoothie from celebrity nutritionist Firouze Zeroual has coconut water, kale, lemon, apple, and ginger. The result is a refreshing sip that’s packed with good-for-you nutrients.

POPSUGAR Photography / Lizzie Fuhr

Dr. Oz's Green Drink

Sip on this nutrient-rich green juice that Dr. Oz drinks daily. This green smoothie is hydrating and incorporates tons of fresh produce including lemon, pineapple, carrots, and cucumber.

POPSUGAR Photography / Alle Weil

Coconut Oil Green Smoothie

An easy and delicious way to make sure you’re getting the most out of your green smoothies is by adding a little extra boost of your favorite healthy fats. This coconut oil green smoothie incorporates both coconut oil and avocado to help do the trick.

POPSUGAR Photography / Jenny Sugar

Debloating Smoothie

Calm your digestive woes with a debloating smoothie. Made with papaya, pineapple, and spinach and infused with coconut water and cucumber, this refreshing drink will ease your stomach in no time.

POPSUGAR Photography / Leta Shy

Sweet Spinach Smoothie

Celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak shared this sweet spinach smoothie recipe that his clients swear by (Julianne Hough is a fan). This green smoothie is a good source of protein, thanks to Greek yogurt, making it a great breakfast option.

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