Can’t Sleep? This Natural Beauty Elixir Contains Calming Herbs to Help Improve Your Slumber

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If you’re struggling to sleep at the moment, you’re not alone. Whether you’re currently in lockdown or not, life feels a little uncertain right now and that might be wreaking havoc with your slumber. And, if you’ve tried every sleep remedy under the sun and are looking for something new, we might have another option.

Beauty Sleep ($49.99) by Rochway is a natural elixir that contains sour cherry and calming herbs to encourage quality sleep. In case you didn’t know, sour cherry is actually rich in melatonin, which is known for its sleepy benefits as it helps orient your body’s circadian rhythm, while the addition of valerian and hops help promote relaxation and calmness.

The formula also contains gut-loving probiotics and marine collagen to support your gut health, help improve your energy levels (which is much needed if you’re not sleeping well) and assist with skin regeneration and rehydration. What a dream (pun intended!).

“There have been times in my life where I was having too much sleep, alongside phases where I just wasn’t getting enough,” said Rochway Beauty Sleep ambassador, Tegan Martin. “It’s been a personal work in progress learning about how to get to the source of what is influencing my sleep patterns.

“From improving my physical health to learning how to calm my racing mind at night, sleep will always be a major priority for me. I started trialling the Rochway Beauty Sleep a few months ago and have finally found something that I can take every night to naturally fall into a deep restful sleep and wake up feeling refreshed each morning.”

Research from the Sleep Health Foundation from 2019 found that almost 60 percent of people regularly experience at least one sleep symptom — like trouble falling to sleep or staying asleep — three or more times a week. If you’re one of these people, it might be time to try something new to help improve your zzz’s.

Beauty Sleep is Australian made, 99 percent sugar-free, naturally flavoured and free from gluten and dairy. For more information, visit the Rochway website. Sending all of the good sleepy vibes your way!

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