If You Have a Sensitive Stomach, a Gastroenterologist Says to Avoid These 6 Foods

Getty / Taisiia Stakannekova / EyeEm

A healthy gut benefits your mental health, helps you have a robust immune system, and can aid weight loss efforts and clear skin. One important way to take care of your gut, is to eat foods that improve your gut bacteria like probiotics, veggies, ginger, and nut-based yogurt. But if you’re crowding your digestive system with foods that are bad for your gut, these beneficial foods may not be enough. We spoke to gastroenterologist and G-Plan‘s Chief Medical Officer Rahul Dixit, MD, about the worst foods for gut health.

You may feel better immediately after eliminating these foods, but Dr. Dixit said it could take longer to notice improvements, depending on how severe your digestive issues are. He recommends keeping a diary of what you eat and how you feel two to four weeks. By the end of the four weeks, you’ll know which of these foods need to be cut out of your diet.

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