11 Foods and Condiments You Thought Were Gluten-Free but Actually Aren't

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If you eat a gluten-free diet, then you’re probably well aware of the dangers that lurk behind certain foods. Wheat, rye, and barley are commonly found in foods and recipes that can make people with celiac disease or other gluten sensitivities really sick. While some foods are a lot more obvious than others, there are certain things sitting in your kitchen that you might not even know contain gluten, many of which are condiments.

Not all condiments sold in stores or provided at restaurants have been modified to meet the needs of a gluten-free diet. In fact, certain condiments rely on gluten-based ingredients to give them the flavors and consistencies they’re known for. Before throwing a dash of a little something onto your next meal, make sure to check out this list of 11 foods and condiments that often contain gluten.

Related: 11 Foods and Condiments You Thought Were Vegan but Aren’t

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