Every Major Theory About “The Last of Us” Season 1 Ending

Ellie in The Last of Us episode 9, during the giraffe scene.

Whether we’re emotionally ready for it or not, “The Last of Us” season 1 finale is rapidly approaching. And there’s still so much to cover! We don’t know why Ellie is immune, or whether she and Joel will find the Fireflies, or if the Fireflies will even be able to make a cure. On top of that, episode 9 will be the shortest in the whole show, coming in at just 43 minutes. That’s almost half the length of episode 1.

With so much to pack into such a short episode, we’re expecting the season 1 finale to be non-stop. But what exactly will be packed into it? Here are all “The Last of Us” episode 9 theories fans have, based on what we know from the games and what we’ve seen so far from the show.

Obviously, spoilers for “The Last of Us” episode 9, “The Last of Us” season 2, and “The Last of Us Part 2” game follow.

Abby Will Appear In Episode 9

Perhaps the most popular theory is that Abby will have a cameo in the finale. If that name means nothing to you, don’t worry, you haven’t missed an episode. Abby is the villain and/or second protagonist of the second game (depending on your point of view. Personally, I’m pro-Abby). She doesn’t feature in the first game, but neither does Dina and we’ve already seen her briefly in season 1. And considering the second game includes a flashback to the ending of the first game from Abby’s perspective, it would fit the pattern to introduce her in episode 9.

As for who will play Abby, fans have some more theories. Many people believe Australian actor Shannon Berry will play the controversial character. You might know Berry from Prime Video’s “The Wilds” or even for her stint in “Offspring”. Abby is tall, muscular, and imposing, and one of the only people strong enough to take on Ellie and survive.

As you can see, Berry definitely looks the part.

But the casting rumour is based on more than just looks. What tipped fans off is the fact that Berry recently followed Bella Ramsey, Pedro Pascal, Neil Druckmann, and the official “The Last of Us” account on Instagram. Interestingly Druckmann, the writer and creative director of the games and the co-creator, director, writer, and executive producer of the show, followed her back. This might all be coincidence, but it’s significant enough to pique our interest.

We’ll Learn Why Ellie Is Immune

In the games, we never learn why Ellie is special. As far as we know, her immunity is a freak anomaly, something that could potentially happen to anyone but is so unlikely that it’s never happened to anyone but her in the 20+ years of the apocalypse. However, it looks like we’ll finally learn the truth in episode 9.

Fans cottoned onto this theory because of the episode 9 trailer, which shows Ellie’s mum (played by Ashley Johnson, who voiced Ellie in the games) getting attacked by an infected while she was still pregnant. If they’re right, Ellie is immune because she was exposed to the cordyceps infection in the womb. Somehow this meant that when she was bitten, the infection couldn’t multiply and take over her brain.

Joel Will Die

Just hear us out: “The Last of Us” has already changed some major moments from the game, so HBO might use episode 9 to subvert fans’ expectations in a massive way. Joel survives the first game, but it would make for a huge cliffhanger to kill him off in season 1 of the show. The theory was floated by Renaldo Matadeen on CBR, who suggests that Joel’s death would make “Ellie the centrepiece of the story once more, truly testing her as she might feel like giving up as this trip keeps wounding her emotionally.” Tess’ death motivated Joel to keep fighting; now maybe Joel’s death will motivate Ellie to find the Fireflies.

If we’re being honest, we don’t put much stock in this theory, but only time will tell who’s right!

“The Last of Us” episode 9 releases on Binge at 1pm AEDT on Monday, March 13.

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