I Moved Back Home After University, and This Is My Advice For Recent Grads

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In the moment, moving back home after college might not seem like an ideal or fun situation – especially if you’ve done the past year (or more) from home due to COVID-19 and only recently went back to finish school. The waterfall of “exciting life update” posts can make it difficult to feel confident in your decision to move back home. Whether it’s a childhood friend moving out of state or a group of your college besties moving in together, it’s easy to feel undefeated even after graduating with a college degree. Trust me, I’ve been there. But it’s important to remember that while you aren’t flying the coop just yet, you just achieved a major life milestone. That’s something to be proud of!

No matter the decision to move back home – to save for grad school, an apartment, or pay off student loans – here are some helpful tips from someone who understands the uneasiness of moving back home for an unknown amount of time. As a postgrad who has been living at home for more than a year now, I hope this makes the transition a bit smoother and eases the idea of packing up your few years of freedom and independence.

Related: 13 Things to Do After Graduation Before You Enter the “Real” World

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