15 Affirmation Apps to Start Your Day With Positivity

Getty / The Good Brigade

Now is always a good time to start thinking more positively about yourself. With constant comparisons to others on social media and the many negative messages we internalise from TV and movies, it can be tough to think positive thoughts about yourself. But committing to being kinder to yourself can make a major change in your outlook and your life, and an easy way to get started is with daily affirmations.

An affirmation is a positive statement that can help you in overcoming hurtful, negative thoughts about yourself. Affirmations can be simple, such as “I am beautiful just as I am,” or they can be more specific, such as “I will do my best on my current project at work, and that will be enough.” Saying your affirmations aloud helps your brain believe them and can help you internalise more positive messages about who you are. Affirmations are rooted in the idea that positive thoughts can help heal.

If affirmations are something you want to add to your self-care routine, a convenient way that you can do so is by downloading an affirmation app onto your phone. The following apps provide plenty of ideas for affirmations as well as ways to customise your own specific affirmations. Take these affirmations on the go so you’re inspired to think more positively in any space, whether it’s during your commute, at the gym, or as you get ready for bed.

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