15 Brené Brown Quotes That Will Remind You to Be Compassionate With Yourself

Getty / Joe Scarnici

Shame researcher and storyteller Brené Brown shares the messages many of us need to hear when we’re struggling with shame and imperfection. She gave me the courage to be vulnerable about my struggles, which in turn has given me much deeper friendships. While I’m an avid quote reader, very few quotes touch me as much as Brown’s do.

She shares these messages through her books, empowering speeches and Netflix special. She’s sold over 400 million books and her Ted Talk received over 38 million views on YouTube. She’s touched millions of hearts, including mine.

If you struggle with shame and wanting to be perfect, her books are for you. Ahead are 15 of the best quotes from her books that will comfort and empower you like no other, both when you feel excited and when you feel low.

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