Ordering In? Here Are the Best Foods That Travel Well

Unsplash / Andrea Davis

As the time gets later and later, and you’re positively drained from the workday, you suddenly realize, I have no idea what I’m eating tonight. With no thawing frozen chicken in sight or even one of those ready-made salads, you succumb to what feels like the easiest, best, tastiest option: delivery. With so many food-delivery apps and different restaurant options, your tastes are totally covered, with superbright, delicious-looking pictures to tempt you. Everything looks perfect on the screen, but unfortunately, things don’t always go to plan.

Suddenly, your supposedly crisp Sicilian-style diavola pizza is cold and soggy. And let’s not even get started on the biggest delivery foe: french fries (I believed in you, french fries!). These aren’t even necessarily the worst of experiences (all I can say is, probably don’t order ice cream any time soon), but you can make some safer choices when it comes to ordering in food that you want to travel well. Scroll through to find the absolute best bets for food delivery.

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