100 Things to Do This Summer That Are Affordable and Fun

When we think of childhood summers, we think of balmy nights chasing fireflies, walking barefoot on hot sand, and hours of fun that didn’t cost a thing. Just because we’re adults doesn’t mean we have to drop a ton of money to celebrate our favorite season! There are endless activities you can do this summer, and we’ve rounded up ones that you’ll love when you are feeling lazy, want to bask outside, or are in search of an adventure. The best part is they will barely cost you a thing!

– Additional reporting by Lauren Harano and Tara Block

Related: 185 Upcycling Ideas That Will Turn Your Trash Into Treasures

Unsplash / Kelsey Curtis

Make homemade ice cream.

Unsplash / jesseschoff


Unsplash / Dana DeVolk

Cook a new recipe with leftover ingredients you have.

Flickr user jason gessner

Build an outdoor movie theater.

Unsplash / Deniz Altindas

Create a nature scavenger hunt.

Unsplash / Estée Janssens

Make a scrapbook.

Unsplash / Andre Furtado

Take photos of your favorite things.

Unsplash / Taelynn Christopher

Learn a new skill.

Unsplash / Federico Respini

Watch the sunrise.

Unsplash / Charles Deluvio

Have a movie marathon.

Check out these movie recs.

Unsplash / photologic

Go swimming.

Unsplash / Jelleke Vanooteghem

Get creative with chalk.

Unsplash / Kari Shea

Try a new workout.

Unsplash / thetechnomaid

Play some board games.

Unsplash / Sincerely Media

Start a book club.

Unsplash / Razvan Chisu

Go canoeing.

Unsplash / Bryan Burgos

Pick strawberries.

Unsplash / Emily Webster

Pick wildflowers.

Unsplash / Sven

Set up a lemonade stand in your neighborhood.

Unsplash / Zafarullah Islam

Collect seashells.

Unsplash / Colin Maynard

Make a bouquet.

Unsplash / Lance Grandahl

Go to the farmers market.

Unsplash / Luca Baggio

Find fun shapes in the clouds.

Unsplash / Brooke Lark

Create cool things with flower DIYs.

Get some ideas here.

Unsplash / Chaz McGregor

Make a slip and slide in your yard.

Pexels / Jennifer Pallian

Make popsicles.

Get the recipes here.

Unsplash / Markus Spiske

Have a yard sale.

Unsplash / Sharon McCutcheon

Make tie-dyed T-shirts.

Unsplash / Mack Fox (MusicFox)

Press flowers to make bookmarks.

Unsplash / Joe Pizzio

Lie out at a pool.

Unsplash / Mike Wilson

Window shop.

Unsplash / James Lee

Build a sandcastle.

Unsplash / Jesse Gardner

Go camping.

POPSUGAR Photography / Sarah Lipoff

Make your own insect repellant jars.

Flickr user Jack Pearce

Go to the drive-in movies.

Check out theaters here.

Unsplash / Caroline Attwood

Upcycle your leftover fruits and vegetables.

Unsplash / Xochi

People watch.

Unsplash / Emiel Molenaar

Catch butterflies.

Unsplash / Jan Romero

Go on a walk barefoot.

Unsplash / Almos Bechtold

Blow bubbles.

Unsplash / Annie Spratt

Make potpourri from seasonal flowers.

Unsplash / anja.

Take a road trip to the nearest beach or lake.

Unsplash / Blubel

Ride a bike.

Unsplash / Boriskin Vladislav

Go fishing.

Unsplash / Helena Sollie

Do a walking tour of your city.

Unsplash / Dane Wetton

Practice yoga outside.

Unsplash / Kimberly Mears

Pack a picnic.

Unsplash / Michelle Spencer

Take a day hiking trip.

Unsplash / Shot by Cerqueira

Go stargazing on a warm summer night.

Unsplash / Stephanie McCabe

Throw a BBQ.

Unsplash / Cole Keister

Watch the sunset over water.

Unsplash / Celeste Horrocks

Play in the sprinklers.

Unsplash / Annie Spratt

Plan your next vacation.

Unsplash / Daan Stevens

Take a nap in a hammock.

Unsplash / Gary Chan

Clean up trash in your community.

Unsplash / Gabe Rodriguez

Dance in the rain.

Unsplash / James Bold

Have a tea party.

Unsplash / Ilnur Kalimullin

Paint outdoor landscapes.

Unsplash / Javiera Argandoña

Feed ducks.

Unsplash / JC Bonassin

Make a wish in a fountain.

Unsplash / Juja Han

Paint your nails a bright summer color.

Unsplash / Krys Alex

Try your hand at sculpting or pottery.

Unsplash / Mike Marquez

Take your dog for a walk.

Unsplash / Rosalind Chang

Start a collection of things from nature.

Unsplash / russn_fckr

Paint things around your house.

Flickr user Carol VanHook

Make fun things with old pool noodles.

Get some ideas here.

Unsplash / Nathan Dumlao

Clean out your garage.

Unsplash / Paul Trienekens

Buy ice cream from a truck.

Unsplash / Markus Spiske

Jump rope.

Flickr user Jerry Lai

Catch fireflies.

Unsplash / Alessio Lin

Participate in a scavenger hunt.

Pexels / Pixabay

Try grape stomping.

Unsplash / amirali mirhashemian

Skip rocks at a pond.

Pexels / Breakingpic

Take a walk and listen to a podcast.

Unsplash / Holly Mandarich

Give yourself a day to do fun activities alone.

Unsplash / Dino Reichmuth

Play flashlight tag.

Unsplash / Chansereypich Seng

Watch fireworks.

Unsplash / Kristina Balić

Make DIY gifts for friends and family.

Here are some ideas.

Unsplash / Josh Rocklage

Play disc golf.

Unsplash / Daniel Watson

Mow the lawn.

Unsplash / Joshua Hoehne

Play soccer.

Unsplash / Markus Spiske

Plant a tree.

Unsplash / Rogue Photo Media

Camp in your backyard.

Unsplash / Omar Prestwich

Volunteer on a farm.

Unsplash / Sincerely Media

Read a new book.

Flickr user HomeSpot HQ

Upcycle your paint chips.

Unsplash / Sai Kiran Anagani

Make a summer love playlist.

Unsplash / Aaron Burden

Have a water balloon fight.

Unsplash / Tom Ezzatkhah

Do some gardening.

Unsplash / Daniela Cuevas

Try out some amazing car hacks.

Unsplash / Elly Johnson

Wash your car.

Unsplash / juan pablo rodriguez

Learn how to juggle.

Unsplash / Celeste Horrocks

Make gardener's hand scrub.

Unsplash / Sebastian Coman Travel

Go water skiing or jet skiing.

Unsplash / W A T A R I

Take photographs of nature.

Unsplash / Noah Silliman

Play a game of capture the flag.

Unsplash / Rosie Kerr

Try summer DIYs.

Unsplash / Leo Rivas


Unsplash / Juja Han

Eat a slice of watermelon.

Unsplash / Murat Ustuntas

Fly a kite.

Unsplash / chazmcgregor

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