Over 150 Ridiculous WiFi Names That Will Make You Giggle Every Time You Go Online

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It can be pretty irritating to lose connection to the internet, especially when browsing your favourite sites. But amidst the frustration of being forced to reconnect, a funny WiFi name can put an instant smile on your face. From The LAN Before Time to Abraham Linksys, there is no shortage of clever WiFi names that can be used. Plus, when it’s so easy to change your WiFi name, there’s no reason not to make it something that will make you smile.

Simply enter your router’s IP address into the web browser you use the most, then login as administrator. After that, go to Settings, and find WiFi Name or SSID. From there, enter your new hilariously clever WiFi name. Maybe you want your neighbors to know that you Lag Out Loud, or your WiFi actually belongs to a surveillance van. Changing your WiFi name to something silly and fun can make anyone within range chuckle.

You can name your WiFi anything you want, but here are a few general rules to keep in mind: Make sure it doesn’t include personal information, contain any part of your passwords, and is not too vulgar or offensive.
With all this information on your radar, go forth and name that hotspot something that will brighten someone’s day as they connect to the net, or make them think twice before they try to borrow signal from the FBI Unmarked Vehicle. If you need some inspiration, here is a list of WiFi names that will get your creativity flowing.

  • Live, Laugh, Lag
  • Wu-Tang LAN
  • The Password Is…
  • Every Day I’m Buffering
  • That’s What She SSID
  • Lag Out Loud
  • Hit the Road Jack Input
  • And the Password Is…
  • Connecting…
  • A LANister Never Forgets
  • WEBsteros
  • Wi-Fire and Blood
  • WiFi Leviosa
  • Wizards of WiFi
  • Wi-So Serious
  • LAN Solo
  • How I Met Your WiFi
  • The Aliens Have LANded
  • The Brave Little Router
  • Whose WiFi Is It Anyway?
  • You Shall Not Connect
  • I Will Send You the Bill
  • Free Public WiFi
  • Connect Automatically
  • Mum Use This One
  • Go to Sleep
  • The Door to Narnia
  • Chance the Router
  • Router’s Delight
  • Bob DyLAN
  • I Now Pronounce You Man and WiFi
  • Panic at the Cisco
  • Begin Loading Virus?
  • Tell my WiFi, I love Her
  • Nacho WiFi
  • No More Mr. WiFi
  • Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo WiFi
  • Obtaining IP Adress…
  • Help! I’m Trapped in a Router
  • It’s Too URLy For This
  • Lord of The Pings
  • Hogwarts Great Hall WiFi
  • Jar Jar Linksys
  • Ye Old Internet
  • WiFi Art Thou Romeo
  • Linksys Lohan
  • Benjamin FrankLAN
  • Winona Router
  • Vladamir Routin
  • Spider LAN
  • DEA Surveillance
  • Hi Neighbour!
  • No Soup For You
  • Where the Wild Pings Are
  • Connected, Secured
  • Bandwidth on the Run
  • FBI Channel 9781
  • Are You the One?
  • Choose a Network
  • Theodore Routervelt
  • New England Clam Router
  • Bilbo Laggins
  • Satan, Use This One
  • Jackie LAN
  • Use Your Mobile Data
  • Pokémon Slow
  • Starbucks WiFi
  • Dora the Internet Explorer
  • Life in the Fast LAN
  • Damn Internet
  • Occam’s Router
  • Is It Me You’re Looking For
  • Do You Even Browse?
  • Hogwarts School of WiFi and Wizardry
  • Expelliarmus Your Internet
  • No Muggles
  • LAN Down Under
  • Can’t Hack This
  • The Net Starring Sandra Bullock
  • IP Freely
  • Troy and Abed in the Modem
  • MuLAN
  • 505 Dalmatians
  • Dad, Click Here For Internet
  • Never Gonna Give You Up
  • Dunder MiffLAN
  • Torrent Gump
  • LAN of the Lost
  • Router 66
  • WiFight?
  • This is so LANe
  • Modem Family
  • Your Music Is Annoying
  • WiFi When You Can Drive
  • Knock, Knock
  • WiFi? Why not?
  • Bandwidth of Brothers
  • Drop It Like It’s a Hotspot
  • Your WiFi Is Not the Issue
  • Alice in WonderLAN
  • Not Your Neighbour’s WiFi
  • You’ll Never Guess the Password
  • Free Trial
  • Google Was My Idea
  • Al Gore Rhythm
  • Take the Scenic Router
  • Router? I Barely Know Her
  • Laggy Gaga
  • LAN Halen
  • I Live In a LAN Down By the River
  • LAN Morrison
  • Definitely Not an FBI Surveillance Van
  • Keep it on the Download
  • Winternet is Coming
  • LAN Rover
  • Reserved for Guests I Hate
  • Connectile Dysfunction
  • America’s Next Top Modem
  • Upload the Rain Down in Africa
  • Benjamin FrankLAN
  • Routers of Rohan
  • The Mad Ping
  • Luke, I Am Your WiFi
  • Spiderman’s World Wide Web
  • Byte Me
  • Siri
  • Thou Shall Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s WiFi
  • Your Routers are Showing
  • I Am Route
  • Routten Tomatoes
  • Museum of Modem Art
  • AOL
  • WiFi When You Can Run
  • The Aliens Have LANded
  • Stay in Your LANe
  • I Have SLANe the Dragon
  • Abraham Link-on
  • IP When I Sneeze
  • Luke SkyRouter
  • Homeland Security
  • Chamber of Secrets
  • Bill Wi the Science Fi
  • On the Router Track
  • Yes We LAN
  • Pretty Fly for a WiFi
  • Weakest Linksys
  • The Missing Linksys
  • Obi LAN Kenobi
  • Brave Little Router
  • Bluetooth Fairy
  • John Wilkes Bluetooth
  • I Got the Bluetooths
  • Penny LAN
  • Slower Than the DMV
  • Things Left UnSSID
  • Look Ma, No Wires!
  • Lord Voldemodem
  • Routey McRouterFace
  • The Eagle Has LANded
  • Let’s Go Phishing!
  • Go Easy on Me, It’s a Dell
  • It Went Data Way!
  • Charlotte’s World Wide Web
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The End.

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