Staying at Home Has Changed My Lifestyle – Here's What I Plan to Keep Doing Once It's Over

Getty / AJ_Watt

If there’s anything that staying at home has taught me, it’s to slow down, relax, and enjoy the small things. Sometimes the world moves too fast, and you don’t have a minute to “stop and smell the roses,” if you will. That’s been my life in a nutshell – always on the move, making plans, filling up every inch of spare time, because you only live once, right? Although I miss my busy life, this new lifestyle has opened my eyes to new hobbies and healthy habits that I wouldn’t have otherwise tried – like making my bed first thing in the morning or busting my brain over a 750-piece puzzle. With every hard time comes some good, and here are the good things I want to keep doing once the COVID-19 dust settles.

Related: I've Skipped Makeup Almost Every Day While Staying at Home, and It's Changed My Point of View

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