Keep the Litter Box Odor to a Minimum With These Vet-Approved Tips

Getty / Jaromir Chalabala / EyeEm

Let’s face it: no one likes the smell of a stinky litter box, which makes litter box odor one of the challenging aspects of living with a cat. But fighting the stink doesn’t have to be difficult – it’s about paying attention to your cat’s preferences. “You might prefer a covered box, with a pine-scented litter and a scented deodorizer, all tucked away in a corner of your dank basement, but if your cat starts using a corner of the living room instead to do his business, no one is going to be happy,” Dawn LaFontaine, cat blogger and owner of Cat in the Box products, told POPSUGAR. Here are nine effective ways to avoid that scenario, and eliminate litter box odor to keep you and your cat happy.

Related: This Genius Litter Box From Amazon Is a Godsend For Apartment Dwellers

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