7 Tips For Dealing With Money Anxiety During These Uncertain Times

Unsplash / Andrew Neel

Money is a top cause of stress no matter what. Add on a global pandemic, the stock market swinging at whiplash-inducing rates, and a growing unemployment rate, and both your physical and money anxiety may be at an all-time high.

Despite such uncertain times, it’s important to stay calm. Making rash decisions never did anyone any favors (Remember the time you decided to cut your own bangs “on a whim?”), and the same applies to your money. There are a lot of things out of our control right now, but focus on what steps you can take now to make smart financial decisions.

It’s hard to navigate the current climate, so we talked to Brittney Castro, CFP of Mint and Turbo, and CEO of Financially Wise Inc. for some expert tips. From what you should do with your 401(k) to saving money for an emergency fund, keep reading for seven tips on how to deal with money anxiety and protect your financial health in the long run.

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