Looking to Unwind? Here’s How to Make Your Own Spa-Grade Eucalyptus Towels From Home

Getty / Mr.kitsadakron Pongha / EyeEm

After a long week, it’s time for a little pampering. One of the easiest ways to re-create the spa experience at home is with some refreshing towels that have an invigorating scent. One of our favourite scents, and the one that is famous among those who frequent gym chain Equinox, is eucalyptus. It might surprise you how simple it is to make your own DIY eucalyptus towels at home. In fact, there’s a good chance you already have all that you need to make the towels at home if you use essential oils.

To get started, you’ll want to find a large bowl, a few small washcloths, a small storage container with a lid, and your eucalyptus essential oil. Keep reading for full instructions on how to create your new favourite at-home spa moment.

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