You Can Still Have a Baby Shower Even When You're Apart – Here's How

Unsplash / Ashton Mullins

Just because you can’t be together in person doesn’t mean you can’t shower a new parent-to-be with baby gifts, well wishes, and festive games. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and the discouragement of large gatherings, virtual baby showers are more popular than ever, but they’ve actually been around for some time to accommodate those who are spread out around the world and can’t get together in one place to celebrate.

Virtual baby showers provide the perfect solution when guests are unable to gather in person and they can be just as much fun as the real thing. In fact, virtual baby showers can be even easier to plan than an in-person shower. You just need a little bit of technological savvy, a few friends and family, and these five tips to plan the ultimate virtual baby shower.

Related: Social Distancing Won't Stop These Parents-to-Be From Having a Baby Shower

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