Take a Tour of Biden's Transformed Oval Office, and Learn More About Its Symbolic Decor


The Oval Office has been updated to reflect the new administration’s tenets and priorities. Just before Joe Biden‘s presidential inauguration on Jan. 20, White House staff worked swiftly to refresh the renowned office space with symbolic artwork, new decor, and the notable removal of former president Donald Trump‘s infamous Diet Coke button. “This Oval is an Oval for Day One,” Deputy Director of Oval Office Operations Ashley Williams told The Washington Post.

The redesigned room features some familiar mainstays and decor used during prior presidencies, but many lesser-known busts and sculptures have also been included to honor more contemporary activists and leaders. “It was important for President Biden to walk into an Oval that looked like America and started to show the landscape of who he is going to be as president,” Williams said. Take a closer look at the new Oval Office, and learn more about the thinking that went into its transformation, ahead.

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