I Can Confirm That Kraft Mac and Cheese Ice Cream Is, in Fact, Edible

POPSUGAR Photography / Victoria Messina

The phrase “mac and cheese ice cream” may sound like a Mad Libs-style mashup from the depths of culinary hell, but it became a reality – and the internet’s punching bag – this summer. When the news of Kraft teaming up with artisanal scoop shop Van Leeuwen emerged in July, I first chose to wholly ignore it, my brain unable to comprehend why anyone would ever think to combine two sacred and seemingly incorruptible entities like mac and cheese and ice cream. But then a coworker popped into my team’s Slack room and wrote, “Guys, someone has to try this.”

I let the message sit there for a moment to see if another brave soul wanted dibs on a free sample, but alas, I wound up volunteering as tribute, silently apologizing to my taste buds as I typed, “lol yolo.” Hey, I got through taste-testing Brach’s horrid Thanksgiving candy corn with only a cumulative seven or so gags – I was up for the challenge.

After a month and a half of procrastinating that I’ll blame on the chaos of moving apartments in New York City, I finally downed a few spoonfuls the other afternoon. In perhaps the most surprising plot twist of 2021, second only to Bennifer’s reunion, it was actually not as bad as I admittedly expected. Read ahead for my detailed take on the ice cream’s color, taste, and more, and to learn how you can get your hands on a pint.

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