Go Off the Registry in the Best Way With One of These Meaningful Baby Shower Gifts

Unsplash / Ajeet Singh

You could play footage of nearly any person opening gifts at a baby shower and it’ll look largely the same. A diaper pail? Check. A bunch of weird outfits because an aunt went off-registry? Check. A second diaper pail because the guest didn’t exclude purchased gifts from their search? Double check. Although every parent-to-be needs many of the same items, causing variations in registries to be few and far between, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t room to organize a meaningful gift for the expectant parents and their baby in addition to the essentials.

For one friend’s recent shower, a guest organized setting up the baby’s library with books containing personalized messages on the dedication pages. A few years ago, I wrote a letter for my friend’s baby’s 18th birthday that she’ll get to open in 16 years. I can’t remember most of the on-registry gifts I’ve purchased for expectant friends over the years, but I can definitely remember the fun, more meaningful ones, so I can only imagine that they felt even more special to the recipient.

Whether you’re organizing a drive-by shower in the coming months or want to save ideas for when you and your friends are having babies, keep reading for a few of the best meaningful baby shower gift ideas.

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