Mercury Retrograde Kicks Off This Weekend — Here’s What to Expect

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Mercury retrograde doesn’t have the best reputation and look, it’s not unsurprising. Mercury is the planet of communication and as such, can affect all types of communication — from formal contracts, agreements and types of code including computer, transportation, shipping and travel. If you’ve ever lost an important document or your computer has crashed during retrograde, well, that’s *probably* Mercury playing havoc.

From May 29 to June 22, Mercury will go retrograde and it’s sure to be a wild time. To find out more about this particular retrograde, we turned to healer, empath and astrologer, Greg Summers. And, his advice was that you might feel a little emotional over the coming weeks. “Mercury retrograde is a time when Mercury appears to be spinning backwards, and a lot of people associate it with chaos and the upheaval of our normal expectations,” Summers told POPSUGAR Australia.

“This particular Mercury retrograde is unique because it is so close to the Blood Supermoon. Since Mercury Retrograde is a time of emotional amplification, everyone will be more vulnerable to their feelings. This can often be good, but with a Blood Supermoon, the emotions being amplified are bound to be more primal — a lot of anger, a lot of lust — all based in the body.”

You might be faced with feelings that are uncomfortable during retrograde and if someone reappears in your life that you haven’t seen for a while (like an ex), don’t be too surprised. Anything goes in Mercury retrograde and the feelings you experience will cover a wide range.

“People will be feeling a lot of visceral emotions they might find themselves feeling particularly aroused, irritable, jealous,” Summers said. “People tend to behave more possessively during a Blood moon, and the combination with it being a Supermoon and Mercury retrograde means that we could be in for a tumultuous few weeks.”

While this all sounds quite hectic, there are ways you can prepare for the upcoming energy. To do this, Summers recommends clearing as much unnecessary stress from your life as you can. While this isn’t possible in every part of your life, try your best to pare back where possible.

“The best way people can prepare is to try to plan your schedule to avoid unnecessary stresses, especially people who bring provoke anger or frustration,” Summers said. “If people can avoid being in a high-stress environment, they have a far better chance of avoiding any rash decision making.”

Instead of engaging in rushed decision making, which is easy during this time, try to maintain a level head as much as you can. Even when things go wrong during the next month, because, it will happen at some point, try to breathe through it and remember this too shall pass.

“Remember that while your feelings are real, they’re not necessarily reality,” Summers said. “Don’t go making any life-changing decisions based on your emotions during this retrograde cycle. Don’t quit your job, don’t leave your partner, don’t buy a new car — give your feelings time to cool and be tempered with reason and logic. We can get through this!”

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