12 Things You Need to Buy When You Bring Home a New Puppy

Getty / Gail Shotlander

So you’re getting a new puppy! Congratulations! You might think you have a handle on everything you’ll need for your new puppy, but just in case, we put together a pretty comprehensive list for you to reference. We checked with Dr. Jamie Richardson, DVM, the medical chief of staff at Small Door Veterinary, to see just what you’ll need for your new best friend. While most of these items should be no-brainers (of course you need to buy bowls for food and water!), a couple of them might be things you didn’t think of. Take this with you to the pet store and stock up on everything, then enjoy lots of snuggles with your new puppy.

Related: Thinking About Adopting a Dog? Here's Why You Should Do It ASAP

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