9 No-Yeast Bread Recipes You Can Practically Smell Through the Screen

Unsplash / Jude Infantini

Bread-lovers, if you are on the hunt for the perfect carb-y loaf to make but don’t have any yeast, don’t worry – there’s a recipe for that (or many, actually). Not including yeast in your dough can be both intentional (there are lots of benefits to cutting back on yeast!) or because the store is out and you don’t have anything to work with at home. Either way, there are lots of great yeast-free recipes that are so delicious, you won’t even miss it or notice it’s gone. So, whether you are trying to go yeast-free or just want to cook a yummy bread recipe and don’t have the needed ingredients on hand, these nine sweet and savory recipes are guaranteed to satisfy your bread cravings!

Related: 12 Delicious Banana Bread Recipes You Won't Be Able to Resist

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